At the last uide we saw the basics of adding text. Now, let’s move forward a little, figuring out how to format our paragraph.
Start by opening the scene where we included our first text.
Now, go to Media > HTML in the left menu to open the text file upload window.
For more sophisticated text layout, TilBuci uses HTML files, an Internet standard.
Create your HTML files with just the text content, avoiding markings such as head, title or body.
Import HTML files the same way you do other media. Select your text and click Add to the stage.
Oops… we have a problem here. See how the text is being displayed! Fortunately, the solution to this is simple.
Go to Movie > Properties in the left menu and go to the CSS tab. Here, we can define a stylesheet that will be valid for the entire movie, maintaining consistency.
Create your style sheet. Don’t forget to click Save style settings to save the changes.
Return to your scene to check the result. You may have to load the scene again right after setting the CSS to see the changes.
In your style sheet you can use classes to facilitate layout.
You can also use fonts from your movie.
Check the result.
If you need to know the exact name of the fonts, go to Movie > Properties, go to the Fonts tab, select the desired one and click on Copy selected font family name.
In this guide we learned how to create texts with a more refined appearance using HTML and CSS. Keep following this series for more tips.