TilBuci animates transitions between scenes and even between their keyframes. In this guide we will understand how this works.
Start by opening your first movie and your first scene.
Start by opening your first movie and your first scene. When TilBuci finds the same image in two scenes, it interpolates their properties, such as size and position between them.
See this example with our circle and its properties in both scenes.
On transition, TilBuci will animate a change in size from 800×800 to 2000×2000 and in position from 560×140 to -1000x-1000.
This applies to other properties as well, such as colors and sound volume.
And how does TilBuci know that the image is the same in both scenes? The secret is in the menu on the right, under Intances and Current instance.
For each image added to the stage, TilBuci gives a unique name which we call the instance name.
If there is another image in the new scene with the same instance name, TilBuci will perform the transition animation, even if the media shown in the image is different.
By default, a random instance name is created for each image you add, but you can change it to whatever you want.
But what happens if TilBuci doesn’t find an image with the same instance name in the new scene? And if a new name is found?
In this case the old image is removed and the new image is created, which can happen in a few ways.
Now, go to Movie > Properties in the left menu, go to the Animation tab and look for Images origin.
There are some options. In Alpha, the image will maintain all its properties except opacity. It will appear or disappear gradually.
In Center, the image will grow from the center point of the screen, or shrink towards it until it disappears.
The other ones (up, down, left and right) show the images coming from outside the view area, keeping te original layout or not.
In this tab you can also define how the transition animation will be done. It is linear by default, but there are several other options.
Remember to save your changes if you have adjusted anything, including the time used in the transition.
In this video, we learn a little about how TilBuci animates elements on the screen. Be sure to check out the next chapters!